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I was given the Michelangelo’s David souvenir apron by my sister who had just been to Rome as a gift. Knowing that I would never use/wear this apron as it was intended, I began to question how & why this iconic piece of artwork ended up on a souvenir apron (a symbol of domesticity intended to be worn by a man as a jibe/joke) sold in an abundance of places in Rome and if there was a piece of artwork that had been created by a female artist with a similar status or stature as David (with his little penis out). It was amazing how this defining image of the marble penis had been widely accepted within the public realm- in indoor & outdoor spaces. alike. The Statue of David symbolises independence and strength in the perfect image of youthful beauty. It also represents an incarnation and ideal which is still coveted to this day. From the 1950’s onwards, the apron became an emblem of humble domesticity, repression and duty through various channels like advertising and the media, thereby enforcing and limiting the role of women to the kitchen and domestic duties in a patriarchal society. While we’d like to believe that women have acquired more rights and independence since then, the events that have taken place around the world especially in the last few years, for examples, girls/women rights for education in Afghanistan, Covid 19 and its impact on women & the home (Gender Gap in medical research and access to medicine), Roe v Wade being overturned and the recent protests taking place in Iran, have demonstrated how far we have even regressed in striving for equality and are still far behind these male ideals. Hence ‘Mind The Gap’, warning from the London tube, Mind The Gap in pay within the working environment, with a 30% salary gap for equal responsibilities at work. Mind The Gap in recognition, Mind The Gap in beauty standards, Mind The Gap in managing the home & the share of the domesticity duties, Mind The Gap in opportunities …Mind The Gap, exhibiting in galleries (and not being the only one of the two token women in a list of endless number of men) and getting into museum collections etc….


  • Ready-Made pre-printed Polyester Apron and 2 colour screen print, incased in custom built and coloured acrylic frame.

    83.5cm x 99cm [Overall size included with frame]

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